Filler Masterbatch

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Filler Masterbatch


Filler Masterbatch is a type of masterbatch that incorporates various fillers into a polymer carrier resin. Fillers are materials that are added to plastics to reduce the overall cost of the polymer or to improve certain properties of the plastic, such as its strength, stiffness, or processing behavior. Unlike color or additive masterbatches, filler masterbatches are typically used for functional purposes rather than aesthetic ones.

Applications of Filler Masterbatch:

Packaging: Filler masterbatch is used in plastic packaging products to reduce costs while maintaining the necessary properties for packaging materials, such as flexibility, strength, and durability.

Automotive: Automotive components, such as dashboards, trim pieces, and bumpers, can benefit from filler masterbatch, as it enhances strength, dimensional stability, and weight reduction, often using fillers like talc and calcium carbonate.

Advantages of Filler Masterbatch:

Cost Efficiency: By using cheaper fillers, manufacturers can reduce the overall cost of plastic production without compromising on quality.

Improved Material Properties: Fillers enhance the mechanical properties of plastics, including stiffness, strength, and dimensional stability.

Our Products

Polymer Masterbatch
Black Masterbatch
White Masterbatch
Colour Masterbatch
Additive Masterbatch
UV Masterbatch
Filler Masterbatch
Engineering Masterbatch
Pet Masterbatch

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